Pilates Plana
App development
Designing with Ratio
UI Design, Prototyping, Research
Article, Web App
The Anatomy of a Thousand Typefaces
Mac App Design
Simon Kümin
A simple typographic website for a copy writer. No images allowed.
A time-saving snippet manager for macOS.
Pilates Plana
Website for Pilates Studio made with Kirby
Design and Research for Customer Portal of Switzerland’s largest Energy Provider
Plugins for Figma and Adobe XD
Sheep tracker for Swiss alpine areas
From Paper to Vector
A personal mail client for Mac
Tactile Navigation System
Exhibiton apps re-imagined
Programming with Ratio
A programming environment for prototyping and building user interfaces and apps.
Designing with Ratio
A new design tool for the web and beyond
Turning Twitter’s Feed on its Head
A design that helps you to catch up with the people you choose
The Anatomy of a Thousand Typefaces
An attempt to analyse and compare font characteristics
Designing with intent
On web typography, interpolation and contrast
Returning Instagram photos to their locations
Using technology to raise awareness
Talking to Machines
A talk about my experience designing my very own personal assistant
How to use lists with CoreData in SwiftUI
How to use lists to display, add, delete and select data
A to-do-list that gets it done for you
Imagining the potential of voice assistants
Wrapping websites in WebViews using SwiftUI
A beautiful way to view your favorite websites without any browser chrome.
Content Migration
Scraping and migrating a website’s content to Statamic CMS
From Mobile to Desktop: Cross Device Communication using WebSockets
A step by step guide with Node.js and Socket.IO
Interactive Prototypes with VueJS
Learn the essentials in 5 minutes
Custom Selections in Sketch App
Introduction on scripts and commands that computers love to do over and over again.
How to increase the tap area of icons in a SwiftUI Navigation Bar